15656.com has been around for a long, long time. I started it back in 2004 as an interactive development student. For a while, it was a destination website for citizens of Leechburg, with a popular and sometimes controversial message board. The Internet has changed. Facebook, Twitter, Discord, and many social communication platforms have taken over, and the discussion has moved there.
And you know what? I’m fine with that! Leechburg has never had a strong web presence. The two most legitimate websites representing the borough today are the School District Website and the Leechburg, PA borough website. In the early 2010s, I spent a considerable amount of time photographing local attractions and trying to bring them to life. It worked, but the data becomes outdated as businesses open and close.
I tried to keep the old design for a while, but it was finally time to clean house. So, this website will start to evolve, and I will focus on the attraction content once again.
Thank you,